An image of a crow, looking off to the top right.

Nonhuman Identities

A picture of a crow, facing to the middle left of the sceen.

Fictional Others and Comfort Characters

Background Credit

ID/Literally Me/Main Kintype:

Other kintypes:
Rough Collie
Eldritch Horror
Dragon (Still questioning)
Doll (Still questioning, possibly the Plain Doll from Bloodborne)

Other identities:
Unicorns (Hearttype?)
Butterflies (Hearttype)
Leeches (Hearttype)
Snails (Hearttype)
Wolf (Hearttype)
Diona (Genshin Impact) (Copinglink?)

SCP 035, SCP 079, Klavigar Lovataar, and SCP 049 (SCP Foundation) 🌜 (✨ for 079 and Lovataar)
Collective tag: SCPolycule
Tag for 049: 💊 The cure for love 💉
Tag for 079: TBA
Tag for 035: 🎭 | Lights Camera Action! | 🎬
Tag for Lovataar: 🐝 | Hivemind | 🐜
Legate Trunnion (SCP Foundation) ⭐️
Tag: ⚙️ Made of Gears and Oil 🧭
Lady Dimitrescu (Redident Evil: Village) ⭐
Tag: TBA
Eileen the Crow (Bloodborne) 🌜
Tag: TBA
Drew (Dislyte) ✨
Tag: 🎼 | Let me organize the afternoon tea | 🍵
The Arbiter/Thel' Vadam (HALO Games) 🌜
Tag: TBA
Revali (Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild) 🌜
Tag: 🐦 | It's just... Asinine | 💌
La Signora (Genshin Impact) 🌜
Tag: TBA
HAL 9000 (2001: A Space Odyssey) ✨
Tag: 🎵 Daisy daisy... 🌼
Hypnos (Hades) ✨
Tag: TBA
Princess/Queen Talanji (World of Warcraft) ✨
Tag: TBA

💫 = Uncomfortable sharing, please DNI or (mutuals/friends only) have a tag for me to block.
🌜 = Only comfortable sharing with mutuals/friends.
✨ = Okay sharing.
⭐ = Unsure about sharing.

SCP 999 (SCP Foundation) Best Friend
Tag: 🍊 | Little ball of happiness | 😊
Desdemona (SCP OC) Mother Figure
Tag: 🕷| Take care little spider | 🕸
The Mediator (SCP OC) Mother-in-law
Tag: TBA
Retired Hunter Djura (Bloodborne) Friend
Tag: TBA
Zhongli (Genshin Impact) Parent
Tag: TBA
Brynn and Q (Dislyte) Friend Group
Tag: TBA

Princess Peach (Mario Games)Legoshi and Haru (Beastars)Beidou, Amber, Yae Miko, Layla, Ei (Genshin Impact)The Unicorn/Lady Amalthea (The Last Unicorn, both movie and book)Ebrietas Daughter of the Cosmos (Bloodborne)Timekeeper Cookie (Cookie Run)Alistair, Callista (... Flight Rising OCs)

The Puppet/Marionette (FNaF Games)Toph (Avatar: The Last Airbender)Klee, Nahida, Fischl (Genshin Impact)Many of my F/Os.

I do not self ship with these characters! They bring me just as much comfort as my F/Os, but I do not view myself in a relationship in any way with these characters.